I am in the middle of my trip to the RC Hotel in Corfu. I am having a ball and intend to come back next year. I think it would be a great club holiday. So while it is all fresh in my mind I am putting this info pack together. If you have any questions, ask away and I will find the answer.
All the information you need is on their web site.http://www.rchotel.com/
The only correction I would make it that the RC cars and boats are no longer available. However there is a small lake/pond if you have your own RC boat.
Full board only includes tea/coffer for breakfast. Apart from that you pay for all liquid refreshment including water.
A coffee is €2.50, a 1.5 litre of water is €1.10 and a large bottle of beer is €3.50.
Tea/coffer is available in your room but they recommend using bottled water which you have to buy.
The cost per day full board including single room supplement is 67 euro.
Flying without an instructor is €140 per week or €20 per day which includes fuel or the use of batteries.
Tuition is 25 euro per hour
Insurance is 100 euro. 70 is refunded if no damage is caused.
They are quite decent in relation to minor damage. I nosed a foam trainer (ST Discovery Trainer) and damaged the engine mount. The instructor just fixed it with epoxy. No charge applied.
Breakfast from 8 am.
Full English breakfast
Menu attached.
Everyone eats together around 20:30 ish.
Rooms are basic. Clean with loads of hot water for showers
There is a stock of second hand books, a pool table and a table tennis table. The swimming pool is fine but a bit cold for it yet in April.
You need to fly with an instructor before you are let fly solo. This is regardless of A cert, B cert, instructor cert etc.
Most of their fleet is electric. There are only 3 IC planes. See photos.
Flying from 09:00 to 13:00 and 17:00 to 20:00.
The flying site is lovely. A great set up. The runway is huge. 40 M x 120 M and is bordered by the clubhouse about 40M behind the flight line, trees to the left and the opposite side and low power lines to the right.
The Sun rises from your 8 o’clock as you stand on the flight line. A bit of a pain in the evening when it sets at your 2 o’clock.
They use Futaba for all their planes. Batteries and fuel are included in the €20 per day fee.
When it gets busy you get one battery at a time and then you have to return your plane if someone else wants it. I have been on my own here for the last 2 days. Before that there were 3 English lads. When is it quiet you can just keep flying until you get tired!
It gets busy from mid-April. It may be worth thinking about coming in early April but I’m not sure if all the tourist attractions will be open then.
Your can bring you own plane. The cost if the same if they supply the batteries and they will sell you fuel if you bring an IC.
Some guys buy a plane here or get one delivered. The Instructor will make it up or I imagine you can use their workshop. Obviously you have to ship it back to Ireland or pay to bring it on the plane home. You can also store you plane here for €50 a year.