April 2018
It was with deep sadness that the club members learned of the sudden passing of Oliver Brady on April 5th.
Ollie was a much liked and respected member of the club. He was well known for his expertise with things mechanical, his good humour and especially his generosity with his knowledge. No one ever had a problem at the field with an airframe or engine to which he could not deliver an insightful solution.
Ollie was always ready to mentor those less experienced and would take new members under his wing and help them develop their aeromodelling skills. Indeed if a beginner had a serious incident and was faced with taking wreckage home, Ollie would be heard to say “Bring it over during the week and we’ll take a look at it”. As often as not, with the help of a few parts from Ollie’s seemingly endless stock of spares, the wreckage would be restored to flying condition.
Ollie was also an enthusiastic and tireless worker on the flying site. It is fair to say that the club wouldn’t have such a fine facility today if it weren’t for his efforts in mowing, rolling, clearing and building over the past few years.
A genuinely decent person, we can be confident that Ollie is at last enjoying flying in warm sunshine and light winds where there are no dead sticks or undercarriage failures. He has probably already repaired and realigned the Gates of Heaven which had been skinning St Peter’s knuckles for millennia and they’re now enjoying “a quick cup” and a chat.
On Sunday April 8th the club held a Fly In in Ollie’s memory.
There was a very large turnout of members. The club chairman, Bill Thonpson, delivered a few words to remind those gathered of Ollie’s contribution to the club.
This was followed by a minutes silence after which everyone enjoyed tea and biscuits in memory of the many breaks Ollie would enjoy with his friends at the field.
Ricky O’Sullivan ready for the maiden flight of his new model. In typical style, Ollie helped him to put the finishing touches to it just a few day before he passed away. Liam takes the sticks for the first flight. Angus put on a spectacular display for everone.